When you follow me here for some time you have seen me restyling my kitchen a few times. From an old kitchen I went to an all white kitchen with chrome accents and black painted backsplash in 2012. It was also the year I took down a few walls to make my kitchen twice as big and connected to the living area, and painted everything in a beautiful shade with Little Greene

Eight years later I got the chance to work with Cosentino and decided to change my kitchen into something completely different. I installed an IKEA kitchen with dark wooden fronts designed by Norm Architects for Reform Copenhagen. I had been looking at these fronts for years and still love them a lot. I painted the backsplash and side walls black again and added a 3 meter lamp by Anour. you can see a few pictures we made here: A new kitchen with Dekton by Cosentino

Over the last 4 years I made more changes, I layed the wooden floor throughout my whole home including the kitchen: A new wooden floor in my kitchen this was a real game changer and it turned out to be really warm and comfortable. I loved the Atelier look of  the light painted concrete floor but it was really cold even with the small fireplace I added, a cool diy project: 5 Easy steps to build a fireplace and shelves


Finishing the details

A few things I never got to finish in the kitchen which I hope to finish in the next few months. The window coverings are now twelve years old and need to be replaced, I think it would be nice to add some linen curtains in combination with bamboo blinds. All in a fresh natural look.

You might have seen a sneak peek already on my Instagram and see me working on a new colour collaboration together with We are Wow Makers, (soon to be launched)

As well as some backsplash ideas of which I’m not sure yet if they will be suitable but really love! I have a kind of fashion before sense approach in my choices, so I need to work this out carefully first. Last year I selected different lamps for my home already, but never found the right ceiling spotlights, until now!


Pictured above a small mood board with some of the brands I hope to use for my kitchen restyling.
I will definitely work with the stucco paint by We are Wow Makers and the beautiful ceiling spot lights by J. Adams & Co   Soon more about the other brands I have in mind for my next kitchen update.

Images © vosgesparis.

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