Rose of Sharon.

Plant that makes you swoon:

Above: A twiggy arrangement of fritillaries and begonia held together by “brambling,” an underwater nest of woody stems. Emily avoids using non-biodegradable floral foam, reaching for floral frogs, chicken wire, or natural structure (as in this photo) instead. See Design Sleuth: Flowers Without Foam for more of her thoughts on the topic.

Podophylum, arisaema, trillium, erythronium, saxifrage, skunk cabbage, epimedium.

Hardest gardening lesson you’ve learned:

I thought I had a shade garden. My shade plants proceeded to fry.

Unpopular gardening opinion:

Colorful flowers are overrated.

Gardening or design trend that needs to go:

While tastes in gardens seem to have moved away from impatience borders, in cut flowers I find most people are painfully stuck in highly commercial design where the flowers look aggressively store-bought. The majestic prairies that have entered our garden lexicon should find their way to the vase.

Favorite gardening hack:

I’ll offer a cut flower tip: boil your stems. After a fresh cut, a minute in boiling water will revive and prolong the life of many (nay, most) stems.

Favorite way to bring the outdoors in.

emily thompson foraging new jerseyemily thompson foraging new jersey
Above: Emily foraging Virginia sweet spire for native arrangements for the Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s spring gala. Photograph by Sophia Moreno-Bunge, from 10 Tips for Floral Arrangements With Native Flowers, from Brooklyn Florist Emily Thompson.

This is my job, so I like to do something understated. A sprig or a weed.

Every garden needs a…

Stone wall. I’m mad for rocks.

Favorite hardscaping material:

Rocks from my family’s mountainside home in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.

Tool you can’t live without:

My giant pole lopper, though sometimes I get over-zealous.

Go-to gardening outfit:

I wear whatever I had on that day and ruin it.

Favorite nursery, plant shop, or seed company:

My friends at Landcraft and Issima bring me unmatched treasures. [See our Quick Takes with Issima founder Taylor Johnston here.] I recently discovered Mount Venus Nursery in Dublin. And the soon-to-be The Field Nursery in the Cotswolds that I cannot wait to experience.

On your wishlist:

arisarum proboscideum (mouse plant) is €7.50 at mount venus nursery. 22
Above: Arisarum proboscideum (mouse plant) is 7.50 at Mount Venus Nursery.

Oliver’s Arisarum proboscideum From Mount Venus Nursery.

Not-to-be-missed public garden/park/botanical garden:

Sakonnet Garden in Little Compton, Rhode Island.

The REAL reason you garden:

A collaboration with the living world needs no explanation.

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