“Time slowly passing, homely comfort and instead of a television, only a huge window with a view of the garden.” This is how Marika and Jirka – food bloggers and authors of cookbook The Kitchen Story, describe life at their cottage in a small South Moravian village. 

It all started with a simple wish: “to switch off for a while, escape from everyday life and just be at peace.” The pair were looking for somewhere they could getaway from the city and gather with friends and family without distraction. And they fell instantly in love with Chalupa mez sklepy. 

The cottage required so much work that in the end it became a re-build, but the couple were determined to maintain the rural character and style (keep an eye out for wooden windows and floors, stone lintels and an exterior designed in collaboration with Adéla Lipar Kudrnova and Petra Stein). 

Today, Marika and Jirka love coming here with friends and family (it sleeps up to 10) – and also rent it out as a guesthouse for others to enjoy. Let’s take a look around. 

Wow! I think this is the first home I have featured from the Czech Republic, which makes it entirely unique to me. I love the tones of rust red, pale blue and cream – which match the colours of the village.  And I also appreciate how Marika and Jirka have combined a modern feel with a rich historical touch from the region, all while keeping the look simple, understated and comfy looking. 

Was there anything that stood out to you about this lovely home? 

You can see more pictures over on their instagram @chalupa_mezi_sklepy and find out more about booking the property as a holiday home here. 

Have you been to the Czech Republic? I haven’t, but it’s certainly on my wish list! 

Have a great start to the week!

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