This Friday marks Midsummer’s Eve, the most significant day in the Swedish calendar. The celebrations begin with the crafting of floral headdresses, followed by dancing around the Maypole, and culminate in a gathering with fun garden games. I’ve always cherished Swedish Midsummer’s Eve – a joyful celebration of light and nature spent with loved ones, accompanied by plenty of Aquavit and singing! Emma Johansson’s charming photographs, where even the glasses wear flower crowns, beautifully capture the spirit of the day.

If you’d like to join the festivities, here are some past posts for inspiration: 

Single? Don’t forget to pick seven different wildflowers and lay them under your pillow on Midsummer’s Eve. Swedish legend has it that you’ll dream of the person you are going to marry! 

Glad midsommar! 

PS I’ll be taking a short break over Midsummer – back on Monday! 

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