Do you remember the Helsingborg home of Hannes Mauritzson? It’s hard to forget with his adorable pooch! Well, Hannes sold the apartment a couple of years ago and moved to Gothenburg where he snapped up a beautiful living space as well as a very cosy ‘kolonistuga’ (allotment cottage) which has become a bit of an instagram sensation. 

And now he’s on the move again! Hannes has put so much love into his Gothenburg apartment, that it must be with a very heavy heart he has decided to sell it. I guess, he has a great plan – and I can’t wait to see more. But one man’s loss is another man’s gain, as they say – and this means his beautiful, warm and ‘mysigt’ (cosy) home is waiting for a new owner. 

I am pretty sure it will be snapped up quickly – not least because if you’re anything like me, you could move in and not have to change a thing – the colours and wallpapers Hannes has used are lovely! It’s just a shame it won’t come furnished as it’s fill of the most amazing pieces from design lamps by the likes of Flos and Gubi to an array of vintage and antique furniture. 

Ready to take a peek?

Charming in every way, don’t you think? 

I absolutely love these ‘sekelskifte’ (turn-of-the-century) apartments with all their incredible period features. Sadly, the house in Malmö from this period are eye-wateringly expensive to buy as they are in such high demand – it doesn’t stop me from heading to the odd viewing though. Do you do that too? 

Is there anything that stood out to you about Hannes lovely apartment? Could you imagine living here? If so, you can see more pics and all the details over at Entrance. You might also like to head over to Hannes instagram to check out his little cottage and wait to see what he does next! 

But I’d rather you stay here and enjoy a little Swedish apartment love fest (I hope that didn’t come out wrong – dreading where I might end up on google searches now!). Here are a few homes to love this weekend: 

And how about taking a tour of some Swedish and danish allotment cottages? They are most likely closed for the season now, but they are great for small space inspiration; 

The good news? It’s Friday with two whole days to relax! My weekend will be filled with games of padel (does anyone else play? I love it!), taking my older daughter to a swim meet in Kristanstad, meeting a couple of friends in a British pub in town (to recharge my english batteries!), no doubt moving a few things around at home (completely unnecessarily, of course) and maybe, just maybe getting round to finally planting some spring bulbs (I keep putting it off, it’s getting ridiculous now – do you do the same?). 

I hope you have got a couple of nice things lined up for the weekend too! 

Thank you so much for all your amazing comments this week- I’m looking forward to reading through and responding over the weekend. See you Monday! 

Photography courtesy of Entrance, with thanks

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