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A while ago Swedish photographer Kristofer Johnsson and stylist Pella Hedeby paid a visit to this beautiful 19th century apartment in Sturegatan, Stockholm. The home belonged to Mattias and Carolina Storm. The couple have since moved (a little birdie tells this was their third apartment in four years!). 

Perhaps this information makes me even more intrigued, since the space looks so nicely ‘complete’ – which is impressive in a short amount of time. I mean, we’ve lived in our home for 16 years, and I’m still trying to figure out what to put on some of the walls. Are you the same? 

Not only that, but it’s beautiful too, with every room in perfect harmony. The colour scheme is similar to Leanne’s cottage which I showed on Wednesday – but the look is very different in terms of architecture ad furniture. Here, we witness round organic shapes juxtaposed with triangular forms, fluffy rugs layered with texture and furniture from different eras. Art and mirrors also play an important role – with their ‘barely there feel’, yet at the same time adding interest at every turn. 

I hope you enjoy the tour! 

Such a serene space! 

I hope I can feature their latest home soon since that is filled with the same timeless pieces but curated in an entirely different way! 

Did anything stand out to you?

And I’m curious to know – is the decor in your home ‘finished’ or very much a work in progress like mine?  

Since it’s Friday, I couldn’t resist sharing a few other homes with you – some of which have the same neutral scheme but with a pop of colour, all of them beautiful! 

Have a fabulous weekend friends!

Photography: Kristofer Johnsson

Shared with kind permission

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