This minimal yet romantically decorated home in Sweden (Styled by JosefssonLjung, photographed by Maria Sahlander for Stadshem) has an L-shaped kitchen with light grey cabinets and white marble countertops that is planned inside a niche space in the wall.

The kitchen comes out into a spacious dining space with a round dining table and continues into a living room with a grey sofa and a white sculptural coffee table.

The bedrooms are located on both ends of the apartment, making this long floorplan work nicely.

An L-shaped kitchen fitted inside of a niche space

The L-shaped layout of the kitchen fits perfectly around the niche space in the wall of this room. The light grey cabinets are paired with white marble countertops and chrome hardware for a modern look that matches the stainless steel exhaust.

A light grey kitchen fitted inside a niche space, with chrome hardware and marble countertopsA light grey kitchen fitted inside a niche space, with chrome hardware and marble countertops

The stainless steel and marble are combined with a few soft wood tones for a natural look.

A light grey kitchen fitted inside a niche space, with chrome hardware and marble countertopsA light grey kitchen fitted inside a niche space, with chrome hardware and marble countertops
A light grey kitchen fitted inside a niche space, with chrome hardware and marble countertopsA light grey kitchen fitted inside a niche space, with chrome hardware and marble countertops

A large mirror in the corner of the kitchen dining room reflects the space and makes it appear larger.

A dining room with a mirror against the wall reflecting the spaceA dining room with a mirror against the wall reflecting the space

A daybed in the dining room offers a spot to read a book in front of the window.

A daybed in a dining room kitchenA daybed in a dining room kitchen
A daybed in a dining room kitchenA daybed in a dining room kitchen

A living room with a grey sofa and a sculptural living room

The grey living room sofa spreads along the length of the two living room windows. A sculptural coffee table fits perfectly with the couch and the fluffy area rug.

A spacious living room with a grey sofa and sculptural coffee tableA spacious living room with a grey sofa and sculptural coffee table

A climbing plant on the window sill adds a beautiful touch of greenery to this setting.

A spacious living room with a grey sofa and sculptural coffee tableA spacious living room with a grey sofa and sculptural coffee table
A spacious living room with a grey sofa and sculptural coffee tableA spacious living room with a grey sofa and sculptural coffee table

A small bedroom with light grey walls

A small bedroom with light grey wallsA small bedroom with light grey walls
A small bedroom with light grey wallsA small bedroom with light grey walls
A small bedroom with light grey wallsA small bedroom with light grey walls

A kid’s room with light grey walls

A kids room with light grey wallsA kids room with light grey walls

A hallway with light grey walls

A small hallway with light grey wallsA small hallway with light grey walls

Styled by JosefssonLjung, photographed by Maria Sahlander for Stadshem

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