Oh, how I love a converted schoolhouse. The large windows, spacious rooms and high ceilings are a perfect basis from which to create such a light-filled living space. And Gladhammar school in Västervik is no exception! Built in 1915, the property is vast (500 square metres / 5381 square feet) but this didn’t put a family off from lovingly restoring each and every room.
Here is a taster into the impeccable restoration – which includes hues of green, aubergine, and cream, as well as wood panelled walls and a blend of furniture. Look closely and you’ll even spot some gym equipment reminiscent of my own school days (I used to be terrified of those ‘horses’ – how about you?). I promise to share a link to the full tour too, but here are a few snaps to whet your appetite!

Take a peek inside five more converted schools this weekend here:
We are spending some days up in beautiful Sundsvall in Norrland Sweden (thank you for your well wishes for Liv’s swimming competition, it’s all very exciting and such an honour to be here). If you haven’t been to this part of the world, I can highly recommend it! I hope to share pics once we’re home!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!