Common Name | Lacebark Elm, Chinese Elm |
Botanical Name | Ulmus parvifolia |
Family | Ulmaceae |
Plant Type | Tree |
Mature Size | 40-50 ft. tall, 25-30ft. wide |
Sun Exposure | Full |
Soil Type | Well-drained |
Soil pH | Neutral |
Bloom Time | Summer |
Flower Color | Red, green |
Hardiness Zone | 4-9 (USDA) |
Native Area | Asia |
Lacebark Elm Care
Growing and caring for a lacebark elm in your landscape is an easy endeavor, especially if you are in an area that does not experience cold or harsh winters or high winds.
The only ongoing maintenance that the species requires is some structural pruning to avoid breakage due to weather.
Lacebark elms appreciate full sun. While they enjoy six hours of direct light daily, they can tolerate partial shade without any negative effects. Generally, however, the more sun the tree gets the better foliage color you can expect in the fall.
While lacebark elms are very adaptable when it comes to their soil, they will not tolerate wet saturated soil for long periods. They’re happiest in soil that is moist and well-drained. They are very adaptable in terms of soil pH.
When initially planted, the lacebark elm needs to be watered weekly to ensure the roots establish themselves. It is important to remember that less frequent, deeper watering is preferable to frequent, light irrigation.
Once the tree is established, there is no real need to continue with supplemental watering. The species has a good tolerance for droughts.
Temperature and Humidity
The lacebark elm is tolerant of a good range of temperatures that cover much of the United States. It thrives in USDA zones 5-9.
It does have issues withstanding ice buildup and high winds, which needs to be considered when placing the tree in a landscape and determining its usage.
On initial planting, boost root growth by adding compost, but further fertilization is not needed unless growth is slow or stunted.
When fertilizing a lacebark elm due to slow or stunted growth, perform a soil test to see what fertilizer formulation to apply. Use a nitrogen fertilizer that is slow release to prevent weak growth.
Perform proper preliminary maintenance to protect a lacebark elm during storms and winter months. When planting, stake the tree to encourage upright growth.
Train the tree with structural pruning to establish a single leader. Prune to eliminate any deep V-shaped intersections and inner-pointing interior branches.
Maintaining this schedule annually for the first few years will keep the tree structurally sound for some time into the future.
Propagating Lacebark Elm
The lacebark elm is easy to transplant and can be propagated, particularly for use in bonsai. You will need sharp scissors that have been sterilized. Propagation can be done in the late spring and early summer. Here’s how to propagate lacebark elm through cuttings:
- Select a branch from a healthy tree containing mature foliage.
- Taking your scissors, cut the branch off. Proceed to take cuttings 2-4″ long and 18″ thick below the leaf nodes.
- Remove the leaves from the bottom two-thirds of the cuttings.
- Place the cuttings in water and prepare pots with moist peat moss (you can mix in perlite or vermiculite). Using a pencil or your finger, make a hole in the center of the soil.
- Dip the cut ends in rooting hormone and place cuttings in pots. Firm the soil around the stems. Water regularly.
- Keep pots in a warm place for 8-10 weeks until the cuttings take root.
While this tree is hardy in the ground within its hardiness range, a potted specimen could die outdoors if temperatures reach freezing. Move indoors and place by a well-lit window or on a covered porch. You want to avoid allowing it to get too cold in the winter, though going dormant is normal.
Common Pests & Plant Diseases
If you see leaves wilting andor yellowing, particularly during the summer months, it could be a condition called elm yellows. While most lacebark elms are resistant to this disease, they can occasionally contract it. There is no way to control the disease and you will need to remove the tree and stump to prevent it spreading to other trees.
Common Problems With Lacebark Elm
Fortunately, lacebark elm is relatively easy to grow and doesn’t experience many problems. Anything that comes up tends to be very minor. That said, here are a few things to look out for.
You may notice cankers forming on twigs and branches. Leaves can then turn yellow and fall. To treat, prune the infected branches below the canker and disinfect the tools afterward.
Rotting Bark
Overwatering can cause the bark to rot. Scale back on watering and make sure not to drown your plant. Soil should be well-drained and not overly moist.
In proper conditions, lacebark elm can live 50 to 150 years.
Care is very easy. This robust tree can tolerate a variety of conditions.
Yes, lacebark elm can grow indoors provided it has ample light.