Customer Care

Shipping & Delivery
We ship worldwide, but please check with us about special shipment rates for your country/location. Once your order is placed, a confirmation email will be sent with the final rundown of your order items. All orders will be deemed true and final once confirmed via email. It takes in general 10-20 days for ready-made or custom built furniture orders to be processed and manufactured, but may be more due to logistic limitations depending on the shipping zone and time period.
Any enquiries, please contact us by replying direct to your order confirmation email(s).
Privacy & Security
For more details about our privacy policy, please visit
Returns & Replacements
All ready-made or custom built design orders are deemed final and non refundable. On a case-to-case basis, if an order is unsatisfactory, we will replace the item. We reserve the right to make the final decision in any disputes.
By using this website, you agree that all orders and personal information is up to date and accurate. All orders for ready-made or custom built designs are deemed final and non-refundable after email confirmation of your order. Any personal details to be changed will be your responsibility to update your account here or email for more support, we are always here to help.
Payment, Pricing & Promotions
All online payments through this website is paid securely via Stripe, PayPal or other third-party payment providers based on location (if any). Payments are all protected when you pay via PayPal because if you do not receive your order, you can get your money back via PayPal. See terms and conditions here
All final ready-made items or custom designed orders on DECORWORKS is final and cannot be changed after the order has been made. Please understand that DECORWORKS is an artisan workshop and we do not mass produce the furniture pieces and collections in order to support our pledged sustainable practices. This condition applies to all items ready-made, custom or made-to-order items.
Viewing Orders
To view the status of all your orders, please log into your account here
Updating Account Information
By using this website, you agree that all personal information is up to date and accurate. Any changes will be your responsibility to update your account or email us. We are glad to assist you at any time.
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